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Our focus is Green Hydrogen

The energy transition brings many challenges and opportunities. The increase in the planet's average temperature and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the decarbonization of the economy, industrial symbiosis, the generation of renewable energy, the new fuels, and the generation and introduction of hydrogen in the energy chain are intensely discussed among all nations.

To contribute to solving these challenges and developing new technologies through applied research and existing technologies around the world, TecHUB seeks to integrate projects and solutions focused on green hydrogen into a single collaborative environment of pilot plants to generate, store and provide energy.  

Green Industrial District

Development of a commercial platform to map and commercialize green hydrogen, certifying the transaction and production, in a pilot project, leveraging the development of new H2 plants, ensuring that hydrogen is produced from renewable sources, being awarded a “stamp” through blockchain for registration of traceability and guarantee of the renewable source.

project partners


Multiport DC-DC Converter and IoT Smart Energy Management System

Develop a “Multi-port DC-DC Converter” product by removing several energy conversion steps, reducing the production cost of green hydrogen, increasing the overall system efficiency and design.

project partners

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Ongoing projects

Projetos em Road Map

Production of green urea and ammonia for agriculture

This research foresees the implementation of demonstrative pilot plants for the production of green hydrogen and two important products of its value chain. In the end, a mapping of operation costs and economic viability of the production process of the two components will be obtained, as well as efficiency and decarbonization calculation of the fertilizer production process.

project partners


Join TecHUB

Green Hydrogen Testbeds

  • Network partnership concept

  • Possibility of national and international connections

  • Business meetings

  • Access to data and results of research carried out on TecHUB

  • Opportunity Desk

Projects in progress

  • Connection to new energy models

  • Spining-off new project and company opportunities

  • Workshops towards matchmaking and problem solving

  • Attending of public international calls

  • Projects and Missions connected to UN's Sustainable Development Goals

Submission of new projects

  • No restrictions

  • The project must be aligned with the goals and purposes of the TecHUB

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